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The Phillies players that wore number 33 are Johnny Moore, Prince Oana, Johnny Rizzo, Roy Bruner, Dale Jones, Ed Murphy, Ron Northey, Freddy Schmidt, Andy Karl, Ken Heintzelman, Granny Hammer, Jocko Thompson, Kent Peterson, Ed Sanicki, Mike Jackson, Jerry Johnson, Bo Belinsky, Paul Brown, Al Schroll, Tom Qualters, Duane Pillete, Willie Montanez, Wayne Twitchell, Kevin Saucier, Dan Warthen, Luis Aguayo, Dave Wehrmeister, Dave Shipanoff, Greg Harris, Tom Gorman, Steve Stanicek, John Morris, Russ Springer, Scott Ruffcorn, Chad Ogea, Cliff Le, Andy Tracy, Aaron Rowand, Jose Offerman, Aqulino Lopez, Ricky Ledee, Rheal Cormier, Kirk Bullinger, Pat Burrell and Ruben Amaro, Jr.

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10y ago
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14y ago

No one wears the number 34 currently on the Phillies roster. Cliff Lee wore 34 in 2009, now that he has returned he wears 33.

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12y ago

Currently, no player/coach on the Philadelphia Phillies wears #49.

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