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Q: Who was the youngest professional cheerleader?
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Related questions

Who was the youngest cheerleader?

Most programs take children as young as 3

Is it possible to become a professional cheerleader?


How long do you have to go to school to be a professional cheerleader?

No school.

How much does a Professional cheerleader coach salary?

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Do you have to go to college to become a professional cheerleader?

If this world is like the bring it on movies, then no.

Who is the worlds oldest and youngest professional footballers?

Wayne roony (oldest) youngest ( cristiano ronalfo)

Does Miley Cyrus like sport?

Does she like "sports?" yeah she used to be a professional cheerleader

Why would someone want to be a professional cheerleader?

they like to cheerlead. and they'd like to get paid for it.

In yr9 when you get your choices what should you take on in school to be a professional cheerleader?

There are no specific high school courses that are geared towards becoming a cheerleader. For individuals wanting to pursue a career as a professional cheerleader they should enroll in dance classes such as jazz and hip hop as well as gymnastics. They should also join a cheerleading squad.

Do you have to be a certain height to become a professional cheerleader?

You can be any height and be a cheerleader, but most are a little bit shorter because it is easier to do lifts and flips if someone in shorter.

Who is the youngest professional snowboarder?

im guessing shaun white.....

Who is the youngest professional hockey captain in history?

Sidney Crosby