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his mom and his dad

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Q: Who was the oldest in Michael Jordan family?
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Who is the oldest Michael Jackson Michael Jordan Michael J Fox?

Michael Jackson is the oldest-50.

Was Michael Jordan the youngest in his family?


Who are Michael Jordan's sons?

He has two older brother. They are named Larry and James.

What organizations was Michael Jordan involved in?

James R. Jordan Boys and Girls and family life centre

Why did Michael Jordan decide to retire in 1993?

spend time with his family

What is Michael Jordan's importance?

he donate 2 million dollar to the family center

Who is Bridgett Nancy Velma Jackson?

The oldest in the Jackson family. (Michael Jackson)

Is Michael Jackson the 4th oldest in his family?

No, he was the third youngest out of 8 siblings.

When and were did Michael jackson Michael jordan and Abraham lincoln die at?

i truly believe that they died were ever there family wanted them to.

What is Micheal Jordan full name?

Michael Jeffrey Jordan

How do you make Outline of Michael Jordan?

listing all the things michael jordan did. Examples: Early Years, Activities, Awards, Family Life, and etc.

Was Michael Joradan's family poor?

No, Michael Jordan's family was not poor. His father worked in the textile industry and his mother worked in banking. They were a middle-class family living in North Carolina.