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The Sens first GM was Mel Bridgman.

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Q: Who was the new Ottawa Senator's first general manager?
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Related questions

When did the first Ottawa senators team first start playing?

The original Ottawa Senators were founded in 1883, and the current Ottawa Senators began play in 1992.

When did the Ottawa Senators win their first Stanley Cup?

The Ottawa Hockey Club (nicknamed the Senators) first won the Stanley Cup in 1903 when it was a challenge cup.The current version of the Ottawa Senators has not won the Stanley Cup.

When did Ottawa Senators first form?

The original Ottawa Senators were formed in 1883 and played until 1954. The original team played in the NHL from 1917 to 1934. The newer version of the Ottawa Senators were formed in 1992.

When was the first Ottawa hockey team made?

They were first established in 1886 but were called the Ottawa Generals. In 1902 they were reformed and renamed the Ottawa Senators. In 1934 the struggling Senators closed their doors and sold their rights to St.Louis. The franchise in St. Louis lasted only one season. After a long 58 year absence the Ottawa Senators were reborn and played their first game on October 8, 1992.

When was the Ottawa senaotrs team created?

They were first established in 1886 but were called the Ottawa Generals. In 1902 they were reformed and renamed the Ottawa Senators. In 1934 the struggling Senators closed their doors and sold their rights to St.Louis. The franchise in St. Louis lasted only one season. After a long 58 year absence the Ottawa Senators were reborn and played their first game on October 8, 1992.

Who was the first nhl team to win a Stanley?

1926-27 Ottawa Senators

Who beat Pittsburgh Penguins in the first round of 2007 playoffs?

Ottawa Senators

What was the Ottawa Senator's first name?

Since they began play in the 1992-93 season, the team has always been named the Ottawa Senators.

When did the Ottawa Senators win their last Stanley Cup?

They were founded in 1991 as the Senators but played their first game in 1992 against Montreal which they lost. But they also had a team called the Ottawa Silver Sevens but that was in the early 1900's.

When was the Ottawa senators invented?

The original Ottawa Senators(also known as the Silver Seven) hockey club was founded as an amatuer club back in 1883. The Ottawa Senators took part in the very first Stanley Cup game (1893)against the Montreal AAA and lost 3-2. The original Senators club moved to St Louis in 1934 for one season before folding. The New Senators were founded in 1990 before making its NHL debut in 1992.

Which team won the first Stanley Cup Ice Hockey final?

The first team to actually win the Stanley Cup was the Montreal HC in 1893. However, it didn't become the NHL trophy until 1926, when the Ottawa Senators won it. It's perhaps noteworthy that this is a different franchise than the Ottawa Senators today. The original club folded in 1934; in 1992, Ottawa received a new team, named the Senators in honor of the original franchise.

Who was the first person to win Hart Trophy?

The Hart Memorial Trophy was first won by Frank Nighbor of the Ottawa Senators after the 1923-1924 season.