Liverpool's first managers were W.E. Barclay and John McKenna.
Barclay however was more in the administration side of things which McKenna being the manager in the style we see managers today.
Bob Paisley was manager of Liverpool FC from 1974 through 1983 when he retired. (He had been assistant before that.)
William E. Barclay was the first manager of Everton and also the first manager of Liverpool, working with club secretary John McKenna.
Little Old Sammy Lee he rooooooooooooooooooooooooooccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssss
Martin O'Neal or Frank Rijkard!
Ian Rush was the Captain for Liverpool FC between 1993 and 1996.
John McCartney was the Captain of Liverpool FC between 1897 and 1898.
Two players; Yossi Benayoun - Liverpool FC. Tal Ben Haim - Portsmouth FC. Maxi Rodriguez - Liverpool FC Tamir Cohen - Bolton Wanderers FC Plus one manager; Avram Grant - Portsmouth FC
He left as a player in 1990 and rejoined as the manager in 1985 (being player and manager at the same time). He then left the managerial spot in 1991 until 2011 where he is Liverpool FC's current manager.
Kenny Dalglish was the Captain for Liverpool FC between 1979 and 1979.
Liverpool fc's stadium is called Anfield
FC Bossy Liverpool was created in 1954.