

Who was the founder of football?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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The dead cat in my backyard...

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Q: Who was the founder of football?
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Coach,quarterback,and founder

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Tom Wills is recognized as the founder of the game of "Aussie Rules Football" back in the 1850's and 1860's. He was not the founder, however, of the AFL, which was founded, as such, in 1990. The Victorian Football League was the first major league founded in Australia for playing the game, in 1896.

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It is the name of the founder and famous former coach of the Bears, George S. Halas. He was also a founder of the American Professional Football Association, renamed to the National Football League(NFL). He was owner of the bears for 63 years and was the coach for 40 years.

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William "Billy" Sullivan, Jr. was the founder of the New England Patriots football franchise.

Is cobb morley the founder of American soccer?

Cobb Morley is the 'Father of Soccer'. Actually, he was English so he is the 'Father of "Football"'. In that way, yes he is the founder of a sort. Of course soccer started way back to undated times when soccer had no real rules. But Cobb Morley is the founder of todays soccer. He decided that there should be organized rules that are the same for the whole world. So he did. So, Yes, Cobb Morley is the founder and father of soccer (football! ;-p)

Which team is the smallest ever in the football premier league?

Probably Wimbledon FC who were founder members of the Premier League.

What was sunderland original football kit colour?

All blue. Perhaps chosen by James Allan, the Scottish founder of Sunderland AFC.