The M & M boys were Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris of the New York Yankees in the early 1960s.
Amanda Palmer is most famous for being the lead singer of the duo "The Dresden Dolls". Not only was she famous in the duo, but she also had a successful solo career.
This famous sketch comedy popularized by the Iconic comedy duo Abbot and Costello is known as "Who's on First" and was a great success in 1937 when the sketch was performed by the duo in a touring vaudevillian revue known as Hollywood Bandwagon.
Hall and oates
Nasty Boys
Georgie boy.
That was Oliver Hardy.
Rodgers & Hammerstein
This british duo can be classified as synthpop, electropop, and house music.
The famous comedy duo that inspired the characters R2-D2 and C-3PO from Star Wars is Laurel and Hardy. The characters were designed to mirror the comedic dynamic between Laurel and Hardy.
The American musical duo Hall and Oats first became majorly famous in the late 1970s with a mix of rock and roll and rythm and blues. Their best songs contained strong hooks and melodies that adhered to soul traditions. This unique brand of music was named by the duo as "Rock and Soul."
Ben and and Jerry