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Mark "RaTT" Glenn and dont forget all his mice

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Q: Who was the assistant equipment manager for the Detroit Lions before John Brown?
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What are the duties of a marketing assistant in a bank?

The marketing assistant will help the marketing manager. They may be responsible for research different promotions before they are implemented.

Who was manager of Liverpool fc during 1991-1994?

Bob Paisley was manager of Liverpool FC from 1974 through 1983 when he retired. (He had been assistant before that.)

How long was Ty Cobb manager of the Detroit Tigers?

Ty Cobb managed the Detroit Tigers for six years, from 1921 through 1926. He then played two years for the Philadelphia A's before retiring.

What jobs did Meg Cabot have before writing?

Before becoming a full-time writer, Meg Cabot worked as an assistant dorm manager at New York University, as well as a dorm manager at the City University of New York. She also worked as an illustrator and a tax accountant.

Who was Assisant manager and a player same time?

It was the Italian Vialli who was a player as well as assistant coach to Ruud Gullit, who was head coach as well as a player then for Chelsea before the oil money arriveed.

Where did George Wilson Coach before he became the head coach of the Miami Dolphins?

Wilson was head coach of the Detroit Lions between 1957-1964 and an assistant for the Washington Redskins in 1965 before becoming the Dolphins first ever head coach in 1966.

What does a Network Service Manager do?

A Network Service Manager is responsible to keep the network up and running. They need to monitor the system and try to correct problems before they affect the systems. The Network Service Manger would be an Administrator and would be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the equipment.

What is the difference between an assistant manager and supervisor?

It can vary depending on the industry to which you refer. Both titles will usually report to the same manager of a particular department or establishment. A supervisor will ensure the operation runs the way the manager wants it to run when they cannot be there themselves. An assistant manager will do the same, but will also assist in other managerial duties such as administration and discipline. The title is sometimes used interchangeably in situations where having both is not required. Some managers will have a personal assistant (PA) as well, who would have very little to do with the operation but will assist in the administration of the department. For example, in a restaurant, the assistant manager will prepare for an evening days in advance by preparing a door sheet from the reservations and ensuring there are sufficient staff members coming to work. The supervisor(s) will only prepare for an evening a few hours before making sure the staff are in and tables are laid etc. The PA would not be at the service at all, but will be in during daytime hours to take reservations, complaints, enquiries etc. and pass on the relevant information. While an assistant manager is commonly seen as more senior than a supervisor, they are both 'junior' management and are really working side by side to assist their line manager. Managers who have worked their way up will usually have held both positions as different aspects of their managerial skills are developed in each. With all of that being said, any professional titles responsibilities and description is completely at the discretion of the employer when creating the contract, and is agreed into when the employee signs the contract.

Who is assistant was Lady Gaga?

Lady GaGa was never an assistant, but she was a waitress before she became famous.

How do you correctly use any equipment provided to protect the health and safety of you and your colleagues?

You get formal training on its use and read the instructions or manuals that come with it. It is your manager's responsibility to see this is done before you are allowed to work in any area where safety is an issue and safety equipment is provided/used.

What is the meaning of ames?

assistant manager---------------------------Amplitude modulation, an electronic communication techniqueAM broadcasting, radio broadcasting using amplitude modulationAnte meridiem, in 12-hour clock notation, Latin for "before noon"Americium, a chemical element

What is the full meaning of AM?

assistant manager---------------------------Amplitude modulation, an electronic communication techniqueAM broadcasting, radio broadcasting using amplitude modulationAnte meridiem, in 12-hour clock notation, Latin for "before noon"Americium, a chemical element