The University of Kentucky men's Basketball roster is listed below.
Vernon Hatton (L)GSr.6-3195Lexington, KY (Lafayette)All-American [Converse (1st), Helms (1st)]; All-NCAA Final Four Team; All- NCAA Regional Team; All-SEC [First Team (Coaches); Second Team (AP)];#24Johnny Cox (L)FJr.6-4185Hazard, KY (High)All-NCAA Final Four Team; All- NCAA Regional Team; All-SEC [First Team (Coaches); Second Team (AP)];#32John Crigler (L)FSr.6-3180Hebron, KY (High)All-SEC [Third Team (AP)];#50Adrian Smith (L)GSr.6-0178Farmington, KY-#34Ed Beck (L)CSr.6-7188Fort Valley, GA-#40Earl Adkins (L)GSr.6-4180Ashland, KY-#54Don Mills (L)CSo.6-6185Berea, KY-#14Phil Johnson (L)F/CJr.6-5190Lexington, KY (University High)-#10Lowell Hughes (L)GSo.6-0175Prestonburg, KY-#12Billy Ray Cassady (L)F/GSr.6-2191Inez, KY-#10Lincoln Collinsworth (L)GSr.6-3185Salyersville, KY-#33Harold Ross (L)G/FSr.6-3175Hickman, KY-#20Dick Howe (L)C/FJr.6-5210Carbondale, IL-#88Bill Smith (L)FSr.6-5200Walton, KY-
One of the best ways to find a basketball game in Louisville is at the University of Louisville. The University of Louisville basketball team is the Louisville Cardinals. One can visit the team's official website for schedule information.
earvin magic Johnson
University of Louisville Cardinals Men's Basketball team.
They have 4. 1948, 1956, 1980 and 1986
sheryl swoopes krista kirkland
junior bridgeman, phillip bond, Allen Murphy, bill bunton, Stan bunton, wesley cox.
they was a pro basketball team
Kentucky is better because they have won more games then Louisville.
Please let me know if you find the answer to this question. I am looking for the 1988-1989 or 1989-1990 roster for the University of Utah Basketball team. My biological father was on that team and I would like to find out who he is?....
It is the football team of the University of Louisville.
Retired after daryl griffith...dr. dunkenstein wore it.