God created Liverpool fans to make the humanoids laugh at such a tiny and insignifacant bunch of twats. he felt as if we needed more thieving little scumbags in the world... all in all god is a retard, and was drunk at the time - while snorting ground up liver in a cesspool.
Hetalia fans are nicknamed "Hetalians".
liverpool fans
Liverpool fans are angry and bitter with the two Yankees owners of Liverpool, who have taken their club to big debt and ruin in their eyes.
Liverpool and barnsley
People will say liverpool, but i have no doubt villa do.
Liverpool. It use to be the case that Everton had more fans in Liverpool. However over the past 10 years there has being a considerable swing. Liverpool has had a larger international appeal for a long time due to being the more successful club.Liverpool have an estimated 120 million fans worldwide.Everton have an estimated 15 million fans worldwide.Everton are the best though.Flashman42 - 15,04,11Well done to whoever edited this last, everton are the best. ;)
Glory Hunter True Blue
Liverpool doesn't have a nickname. If you mean Liverpool Football Club, their nickname is 'The Reds'. If you mean people from Liverpool, they are nicknamed 'Scoucers'.
yes, it is common knowledge that liverpool fans were stealing from the dead corpses of their own fans after drunkenly pushing and forcing themselves forward in the stadium,
1 Ganhdi