There is no Steelers player with the last name 'Sams' on the all-time roster.
Former Steeler Kordell Stewart was nicknamed Slash. He didn't play for Pittsburgh. He played for Chicago. Last name was Perry. I think his first name was William.
Mean Joe Greene was a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers. So was linebacker Kevin Greene and tight end Eric Green.
It's Uley
Dean Sams's birth name is Kenneth Dean Sams.
Russell Sams's birth name is Russell Adam Sams.
Sam from the TV show "Icarly" first name is Jennette and her last name is McCurdy
i know a Pittsburgh Steeler team shirt costs $300.00 with your name on. The next one down in cost with the name of a player which is also a good quality is $150.00.
Sam's last name on the show is Puckett. it says in the episode where she makes a website.
Math Sams's birth name is Matthew Jones.
Sams real name is Jennette McCurdy
Prior to Jerome Bettis, there was no Steeler called 'The Bus', he was the first.