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Reggie Brown.

Brown suffered a spinal cord contusion against the New York Jets on December 21, 1997. He was unconscious on the ground for 15 minutes and stopped breathing until a ventilating device was placed down his throat. He had immediate surgery and that, along with intense physical therapy, helped him to be able to walk again. Two months later, at the ESPY Awards, he walked onstage and accepted the award for Best Pro Football Player on behalf of Barry Sanders.

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Q: Who was a Detroit Lions linbackers with neck injury?
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Does lions have fur around their neck?

yes lions have fur around their neck it is called a mane

Could a neck injury result in cervical radiculitis?

Cervical radiculitius can be caused by a neck injury but, is not always associated with one. It is caused by an impact to the neck OR repeated bending of the neck. I have it and all of a sudden I woke up with my neck sideways and extreme nerve pain in my right arm. Hope this helps.

Name of Detroit lion who broke his neck?

At the Silverdome,in Pontiac,Michigan, during a 1991 home game against the then LA Rams Mike Utley suffered a career ending neck injury. This became a rallying cry for the upstart lions who,with their "Thumbs Up Mike" attitude towards the rest of the season finished with a 12-4 record and a appearance in the NFC Championship Game,which they lost to the Washington Redskins...45-17.

Does Obama have a neck injury?

No neck injury. He just naturally has a slight tilt to his head, putting his nose a bit elevated.

What is the best thing to do with a neck injury?

"If you suspect that you have a neck injury, you should see a medical professional to determine the nature and severity of the injury. For a stiff neck or shoulders, you should try to rest and gently massage the area. Also, always use an ice pack to your injury, do not apply heat."

What is the average workers comp neck injury Utah?

neck c5 and c6

Did dx break Cody's neck at hiac?

Yeah they did because i checked it onwikipedia and they said that he suffered a minor neck injury in mid-june '09 and since hhh got him in the neck he aggravated the injury therefore breaking his neck.

What is happend to Gregory helms?

He is out with a neck injury

What injuries has Tom Daley had?

a neck injury

If neck injury is suspected what should you avoid when checking the airway?

Avoid moving the head. The head should be kept as you found it if there is a suspected neck injury.

What is keeping Peyton Manning from playing?

Neck injury

What is the treatment for whiplash injury?

Whiplash injury is commonly treated with analgesics (painkillers) and neck braces. Paracetamol is typically prescribed used to treat moderate neck pain.