May 28
For a list of Michael Oher's awards and honors, see the link below.
His tutor was called Rose Fine.
Collins TuohyS.J. TuohyWhen at HomeMarcus,Andre,Delijuan,Rico,Carlos,John,Denise Oher
Yes, Michael and his brothers had a tutor who travelled with them.
Yes one brother and a step sister and Brother and maybe a couple other hundred half brother and sisters.
He was first admitted to Briarcrest Christian School, and later adopted by the Tuohy family.
Yes, when Michael was a child he had a tutor. Her name was Rose Fine, a kind Jewish women as described by Michael in his autobiography- Moonwalk. His education goes up through high school and he has an honorary doctrine degree.
Miss Sue (Michael's private tutor).
Miss Sue- Kathy Bates.
At home, they have a private tutor.
Yes, and Michael went to school with them, and when they were on tour they had a tutor to teach them.