May 28
For a list of Michael Oher's awards and honors, see the link below.
His tutor was called Rose Fine.
Collins TuohyS.J. TuohyWhen at HomeMarcus,Andre,Delijuan,Rico,Carlos,John,Denise Oher
Yes, Michael and his brothers had a tutor who travelled with them.
Yes one brother and a step sister and Brother and maybe a couple other hundred half brother and sisters.
Yes, when Michael was a child he had a tutor. Her name was Rose Fine, a kind Jewish women as described by Michael in his autobiography- Moonwalk. His education goes up through high school and he has an honorary doctrine degree.
He was first admitted to Briarcrest Christian School, and later adopted by the Tuohy family.
Miss Sue (Michael's private tutor).
Miss Sue- Kathy Bates.
At home, they have a private tutor.
Yes, and Michael went to school with them, and when they were on tour they had a tutor to teach them.