

Who was Michael Oher's tutor?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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11y ago

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Michael Oher's tutor was long time educator Sue Mitchell.

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May 28

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What was the name of Michael Jackson's private tutor?

His tutor was called Rose Fine.

Who are Michael Ohers siblings?

Collins TuohyS.J. TuohyWhen at HomeMarcus,Andre,Delijuan,Rico,Carlos,John,Denise Oher

Was Michael Jackson tutored when he was a child?

Yes, Michael and his brothers had a tutor who travelled with them.

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Yes one brother and a step sister and Brother and maybe a couple other hundred half brother and sisters.

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Did Michael Jackson have a tutor?

Yes, when Michael was a child he had a tutor. Her name was Rose Fine, a kind Jewish women as described by Michael in his autobiography- Moonwalk. His education goes up through high school and he has an honorary doctrine degree.

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Miss Sue (Michael's private tutor).

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Miss Sue- Kathy Bates.

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At home, they have a private tutor.

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A person whose views differ from others is commonly referred to as an individual with independent or divergent opinions. They may be considered unique or have alternative perspectives that contrast with the beliefs of the majority.