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In most games, a cointoss is held by the umpires shortly before beginning. One captain calls, and if they are correct they can choose between whether to first start or which way they will go in the first half. If they choose a direction, the other team starts the game with a centrepass. If they choose to start the other team chooses the direction. Play is reversed in the second half of play, and the team who did not begin the first begins the second. In some junior or social games or friendlys, one team will just start by common agreement.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Anyone can play Field Hockey. You can become a really good player if you try your hardest to learn the game of field hockey. There are 11 players on the field for one team. Most Middle Schools and High School have field hockey. It is s fast moving sport. If you have not played before you should. It is a really amazing sport! Try It Out!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The team who starts is usually decided by a coin toss between the captains. The winner of the coin toss can choose whether to start or choose a direction: if they choose a direction, the other team automatically starts; if they choose to start, the other team chooses direction. In most games at lower/social level or in junior hockey, each will start on the side of their dugout and one team will just take the ball by common acceptance.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

field hockey is a game played on grass or turf. you use hockey like sticks except with a curve at the bottom. the play is 11 vs. 11 and there are many rules of the game. it is like a combination of hockey and soccer.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Teams consist of eleven players on the field, and up to five substitutes. Substitutions are not limited but may not be made during a penalty corner. There are no set positions other than goalkeeper, but most teams arrange themselves into fullbacks, midfielders and forwards. Many teams include a single sweeper, who plays behind the fullbacks.

One player from each team is designated the goalkeeper. Goalkeepers must wear a suitable helmet with full face mask and are also permitted to wear protective padding, including large leg guards, kickers and gloves. Although goalkeepers may block or deflect the ball with any part of their bodies, and propel the ball with their feet, they must always carry a stick, and normal stick rules apply. Goalkeepers are permitted to play the ball outside their defensive circle (scoring area or "D"), but must only use the stick in this circumstance.

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Terry Ball - ice hockey - was born on 1944-11-29.

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The game Ice hockey is in the Winter Olympics. But ball hockey is not in any Olympics

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Get your stick under the ball and lift.

What is national game of Russia?

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Why dhyanchand is known as magician of hockey?

because when he play the ball was allways with his hockey