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Q: Who sings warrior?
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What female sings a song with lyrics ill keep you safe.. ill be your protector... ill be your warrior.?

It's called Warrior by Aaradhna :)

Who sings the song on Stewie Griffin's iPod commercial?

The Warrior by Scandal (1984)

There is a christian song with a verse in that goes...inside this suit of amour the warrior is a child....who sings that song.?

Yes. It is called "The Warrior is a Child," and was popularized by Twila Paris.

What is the name of the song that the group Heart sings that has the following lyrics-- Bang Bang I am the warrior heart to heart we survive?

That's not Heart, It's "Warrior" by Scandel featuring Patti Smyth. Chorus: Shooting at the walls of heartache bang bang, I am the warrior, well I am the warrior, Heart to heart You'll win if you survive

Who sings that reggae song with the lyrics officer are you an armed warrior?

type the lyrics into or just type them into google and do a search for it

Warrior Kronik or Warrior Dolomite?

warrior kronik.

Who sang Just want to Have Some Fun Some Fun in Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior?

The song "Just Want to Have Some Fun" in the movie "Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior" was performed by the artist Blush. Blush is a multinational female pop group that was formed in 2010. The song was featured in the soundtrack of the Disney Channel Original Movie.

What is a paper warrior?

A paper warrior in a warrior made of paper.

What is a female warrior called?

A female warrior is typically referred to as a warrior, warrior woman, or a shieldmaiden.

How do you spell warrior in alibata?

In Alibata, "warrior" is spelled as "mandirigma."

What is a Warrior Princess?

The answer is in the question, a warrior princess is a princess that is a warrior the Branwen in the warrior princess series. hope that helped.

What is a zen warrior?

A true warrior -the way of the warrior is to protect life not discretion.