No. A different player may be elected to retake a penalty kick.
An exception would be penalty kicks from the mark (after overtimes). No kicker may repeat until all his teammates have already kicked that round.
A PK in Soccer is a penalty kick.
Retake the goal kick
no such thing. - The equivalent kick in soccer and rugby would be the placed penalty kick.
There are penalty kicks in soccer. A penalty kick is awarded when a defender commits a direct free kick offense while within his own penalty area.
A direct free kick or a penalty kick depending on where the foul occurred.
Disqualification happens when a player touches the soccer ball with their hands when he was supposed to kick a penalty
A foul that resulted in a penalty kick.
Nothing. You can only have a 12 yard kick, which is a penalty.
A penalty kicker may be changed between retakes of a penalty kick. When taking kicks from the penalty mark to decide the winner, no kicker may kick again until everyone on their team has taken a turn.
one of the seventeen laws of soccer is do not grab the ball with your hand Do not fight in a soccer game Corner kick Out of bounds Goalie kick Penalty Free kick
From the penalty kick point.