Wilt Chamberlain scored 43 pts in his NBA debut.
Keith Van Horn holds that record for when he scored 29 points in his Knicks debut on October 29, 2003.
Wilt Chamberlain 48 pts
Mohammad Azharuddin
I just heard this answer on ESPN, it was Keith Van Horn, who scored 29 in his NYK debut.
The record goalscorer for the England national football team, Bobby Charlton, scored 49 goals between his 1958 debut and his final appearance in 1970.
Jimmy Greaves scored for Chelsea, AC Milan, Tottenham and West Ham on his debut - he also scored for England Schoolboys, Under 23s and the full England team on his first appearance for them.
He scored 183 in his debut series but scored 148 after that.
Kevin Philips scored obout 31 goals in his debut year at Southhmpton.
Sitiveni Sivivatu 2005 vs Fiji (his homeland, ironically) scored four tries on debut
(Debut means first performance, first product or launch, first appearance.)(noun) LeBron James scored 25 points in his NBA debut against the Sacramento Kings.(noun adjunct) The Beatles debut album was Please Please Me in 1963.(verb) The new tablet computer was expected to debut at the electronics show.