Bert Bell, one of the founders of the Philadelphia Eagles and NFL Commissioner between 1946-1959.
The duration of Any Given Sunday is 2.7 hours.
Any Given Sunday was created on 1999-12-22.
Any Given Sunday was released on 12/22/1999.
The Production Budget for Any Given Sunday was $60,000,000.
Any Given Sunday
Any Given Sunday Outro - Jamie Foxx
Any Given Sunday grossed $100,230,832 worldwide.
The cast of Any Given Sunday - 2010 includes: Caron Cummings
The cast of Any Given Sunday - 2012 includes: Jill Evyn Jamil Walker Smith
Any Given Sunday - 2012 was released on: USA: 18 August 2012 (Indie Fest USA) (premiere)
Any Given Sunday grossed $75,530,832 in the domestic market.
In the movie Any Given Sunday what is the name of the song playing in the press conference scene?