the best helment to prevent concussions is 1. Xenith- Best helment to buy 2. Any Riddell revo helment 3. Schutt DNA pro/ ion 4. A normal Riddell helment 5. A normal Schutt helment 6. Adams football helment
In today's world of football no it is not a good football helmet. Your better off with a concussion Prevention helmet like a xenith or DNA or riddell.
The Riddell Revolution for Kids. Just go to Google, type in revolution football helmets, and click on Actually it is the Youth Schutt ION 4D. Go to and click on football helmets then click on the !YOUTH! Schutt ION 4D and that can give you locations by your house where they sell it. Or you can go to Google and type in schutt ion 4d football helmets and click on football America or team express. Actually the safest helmet is the Xenith X1. . It's a young company but their technology is proven to reduce concussions more so than the Schutt and Riddell counterparts. Because it's an advanced product, it's pricey. Your kid's brain health is priceless.
Plastic & foam If you're talking name brand pads then the Power/Riddell pads are probably the most widely used shoulder pads in College and Professional football. Riddell and Schutt are the most used helmet brands though a small number of other companies are being used right now but with very little success and usage. Companies like Adams and Xenith would be the helmets that come to mind.
xenith x1
I would go with the Riddell Revolution Speed Helmet. I have it and I love it. It has an aggressive shell design while the Xenith X1 is more laid back. But position does matter too, if you are a skilled player I would go Speed, but O-Lineman should get Xenith X1. I am a Defensive End and O-Line (should not be, but I am the strongest on the team so..)
a sport shop maybe
If your helment is a xenith or any type of revolution it should work.
no it wont because it is to big to fit on a youth helmet
Yes it is, it's the best helmet I've ever worn. I used to get headaches all the time and now I never get them. You don't feel the hits as much in the Xenith.
My son plays high school football and his team went to the Xenith helmet this season. I think they may have not focused enough on the sheel construction of the helmet. He has told me that a number of the helments have had the chin strap clips completely rip out of the helment. To me the shell seems flimsy. the interior padding is very interesting and is supposed to prevent concussions. So far I only know of one concussion on his team during 2 a day camp.
Easy answer: POC Skull Comp. As I ski racer, I know what kind of requirements needed to protect my noggin. Previously had Uvex, which sucked. Got a concussion with it, shocks broke in it. I have to say Leedom is not very into what the top racers are wearing for helmets. Don't go with leedom. Boeri competition is a good helmet as well. Shred is probably the number 2 best helmet with Briko and Boeri tailing behind it. POC is completely on top with safety.