typcially the insurance on the car.........under comprehensive coverage.....it is 'assumed'' that you assume the risk of a foul ball when you go to a ball game, and park your vehicle within a mile....(ha..not a mile but you get the point), now if someone throws the ball and hits your vehicle intentionally different story or if you are just driving down a street and ball hits you again, different story
It would be comprehensive insurance.
Christopher Ball has written: 'Learning pays' 'More means different'
No. You would need comprehensive coverage for the policy to pay for windshield damage on a vehicle.
Wilson pays the NFL to use their ball since it is a very highly watched sport. The ball is painted between the two white tracing lines on the flip side.
if the rock fell off of the truck, truck pays. if the rock was slung up from the roadway, you pay.
please someone answer this question its killing me that everyone is tring to low ball me for some diamonds i got
the law on that depends where you are. but generally. you broke it, you fix it
The Parents or the Legal Guardian is financially responsible the acts of their minor child.
It should be the groom - if he will cough up the money. Otherwise whoever ordered the stuff must pay. You can always take the groom to court.
No. The Medical Payments coverage on a typical Homeowners' poliicy only pays the expenses of others who are not family members or live in the household.
The tenant will usually be held responsible for broken property, unless it is through no fault of the tenant - e.g. excessive age or wear, or a natural disaster like a flood or an earthquake.
Pays low wages. Little or no healthcare benefits. Exploits children. Discriminate against women. No breaks. Puts local and family owned stores out of business..... And the list goes on.......