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Q: Who pays the winners and losers teams in the pro bowl?
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Who pays the winning Super Bowl team in the NFL?

Winners and losers shares come from the revenues created by the game.

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Journalism that pays more attention on who is ahead in an election rather than the actual issues themselves.

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The rose bowl

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Which country pays the most to gold medal winners?

Italy-- $182.000 USD

Who pays the artist in the super bowl?

the hosting stadium

Who pays for the pro bowl family to Hawaii?

the league

Who pays the professional basketball player?

The owner of the teams they play for.

What is the history of the Super Bowl ring?

It has been a tradition in American sports to award champions a ring. The NFL pays for 150 rings for the winning team, so you can see that more people than the players and coaches receive them. Click on the 'Super Bowl Ring' link on this page to see pictures of some of the rings awarded to the Super Bowl winners and read a short history of the ring.

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Yes, India pays olampic medal Winner's.

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50 dollars pays what in a two team parlay

When someone makes a bet with a bookie and wins the bet who pays the winner?

Ideally, a bookie collects payment from the losers and uses it to pay the winners, taking a portion as his fee. If a bookie takes a bet that he cannot balance against another bet ("lay off"), he risks being responsible for making up the difference out of his own funds.