~Addison Gist ~Baylee Hamilton ~Kaylee Malone ~Emma Grace Mayfield ~Megan Smith ~Sydni Springer ~Abby Rose ~Mackenzie Seal ~Jade Ulhman ~Lana Tatum ~Alison Ulhman ~Kelsey Murphey ~Hailey Loagan ~Casey Kimbrough ~Michael Ann Ouellette ~Paige Price
The cheerleader's squad captain or their coach can direct you there!
Live Oak Midddle School, Westview High School , Mount Pisgah Middle School, Martin Middle School, Archibishop Shaw High School. these are some of the champion team that have one nationals either recently or in the past. (since last 7 years to just last year ). a great cheerleader is Kiara Nowlin ! look her up on youtube ! awesme champoin cheerleader.
well you have to have good grades to become a cheerleader in middle/ high school but if you do competitive cheer they usually wont check your grades
Well, it depends on whether or not the guy is for a cheerleader, tomboy, or regular girl who goes for anything. Right now, it especially matters how old you are..if you are in middle school..you have your whole life ahead of you..although I do have a crush on a boy..I think i must stick to my school work and wait for that kind of stuff later.
HANNAH MICHELE STRICKLAND. She is a Middle School cheerleader at North Florida Christian School. She is AMAZING . She is only twelve years old and her jumps are already hyper extended, she has tumbling, and she is just plain good.Now that is a true statement!
Which actress was a cheerleader and homecoming queen in high school?
No, she was never a cheerleader.
No school.
Yes, Kimberly Perry was a cheerleader when she was in high school.
The school will hold a tryout
'''Two words''': '''Mascot Love''' ===Mascot Love===
a cheerleader