While returning from a funeral eight days before his 57th birthday, James Jordan, Jordan's father, pulled into a rest stop on Interstate 95 to take a nap. Daniel Green and Larry Martin Demery shot Jordan to death while he slept in his car and proceeded to steal the vehicle. His body was found on August 3 in aBennettsville, South Carolina swamp, but was not positively identified until August 13.
Michael Jordans dad was killed by Larry Martin Demery at a robbery near Lumberton, North Carolina.
Noone he died in his home in California called hollby hills arter a heart attack!
no Hitler did it.
His doctor murdered him by overdosing him with pain killers.
750 million albums
Marlon, Tito, Jackie, Jermaine, and Michael Jackson
yes randy is micheal's jsskson
Samuel jaskson
phil jaskson
Frankfort. They're the capitols
Michael and John John was killed and on the day of the funeral Michael was killed
yes he has killed a bug
Michael Morpurgo is not dead.