Neurosurgeons work with people's brains, and earn about 500,000$ a year. They deserve every penny, because they can make or break a person's life
Oprah Winfrey
you are just believe it
hemraj adhikari is the worlds highest paid model , his email address is
No, Tiger Woods is the worlds highest paid athlete.
Probably Bill Gates and Charles Symoni
worlds highest paid soccer player with making over 39,000,000 a year
The country with the world's highest paid national legislators is Switzerland. Members of the Swiss Federal Assembly receive one of the highest salaries for legislators in the world.
Most Likely a Doctor, Lawyer, and Vet.
The highest paid doctor in the world is Doctor Mehmet Oz, a cardiac surgeon, weighing in a yearly salery of $4 Million (USD)
Their is many highest paid doctors1.RADIOLOGY2.NEUROLOGY3.CARDIOVASCULAR SURGEON4.ANESTHESIOLOGY5.GASTROENTEROLOGY6.SURGEON7.ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON8.OB/GYN9.PLASTIC SURGEON10.UROLOGYthese are all highest paid doctors who salary is very high and lots of money per year.
The Himalayas is the worlds highest mountain range.