a coach who knows how to play the game, and stays on topic
also, someone who is is not disgusting.
By latest 2011 year`s statics the best coach of soccer is Jouje Mouhrinho,sorry for wrong spelling.Coach of Real madrid,and hes the on who have hightest salary for being coach,and ofcourse after that coming Pet Guardeola,again sorry for wrong spelling
Coach George Curry from Berwick is the winningest coach in PA history.
Which coach became the winningest coach in NFL history while with the Dolphins
Dan Reeves is the winningest coach in Atlanta Falcon history with 49 wins.
Bill Cleary
I Stand to be corrected ,but as far as I can determine, the Caps' winningest coach is Bryan Murrray with 363 wins.
Dave Tippet
Bill Cleary
Since the Predators have had only one coach in their history, the answer is Barry Trotz.
Since the Wild have had only one coach in their history, the winningest coach has to be Jacques Lemaire. (This does not take into account the previous Minnesota North Stars which played there before moving to Dallas.)
Current coach Mike Schafer is the winningest coach in Cornell men's hockey history with a record of 276-149-49 in his fifteen year career. GO BIG RED!!
Don Shula, the winningest coach in NFL history.
Fred Creighton with 156