Jeremy Trueblood, Tampa Bay Buccaneers: 6'8"1/2 320lbs --- Darren Sproles, San Diego Chargers: 5'6" 181lbs.
Jared Gaither, Dennis Roland, and Demar Dotson are currently the tallest players in the NFL all at 6'9".The tallest player in NFL history was Richard Sligh at 7'0.
antonio cromrartie
Green Bay is by far the smallest market with an NFL team, with a population of only 101,203.
The tallest person in NFL history was Richard Sligh, who stood at 7 feet tall. Currently, Dan Skipper, who is 6 feet 10 inches tall, is one of the tallest active NFL players.
Tallest Gaullist
tallest- Irish wolfhound smallest- chihuahua
the wieght of the tallest players was about 230 - 320
worlds smallest is kurtis guest
It is not the smallest it is actually the tallest mountain in the world
Well, the smallest NFL stadium is soldier field.
Peyton Manning