That was junior Tim Rattay who completed 343 passes in 502 attempts for 4,472 yards and 44 TDs in the 1998 season.
Louisiana State University was created in 1860.
LSU Louisiana State University
The web address of the Louisiana State University is:
Louisiana State University Press was created in 1935.
Louisiana State University at Eunice was created in 1964.
Louisiana State University is in Lousisana.
The phone number of the Louisiana State University is: 318-443-3458.
Les Miles is currently the head coach for Louisiana State University.
Louisiana State University School of Dentistry was created in 1968.
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center was created in 1906.
Louisiana State University Laboratory School was created in 1915.
First of all, it's simply "Louisiana State University", or if you want its full name, "Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College". But either way, there's no "the" in front of it. We're not pretentious like the Buckeyes from THE Ohio State University. Second, LSU has several campuses around the State, but the main campus is in Baton Rouge.