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Da Bears Da Bears Da Bears Da Bears, Polish Sausage, Ditka

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Chicago Bears - 729 wins, 538 losses, 42 ties as of the beginning of the 2012 season.

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FC Barcelona

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Q: Who is the most successful football team ever?
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What is the most successful Arkansas football team?

The Arkansas Razorbacks from the University of Arkansas are the most successful Arkansas football team. Arkansas does not have a National Football team, therefore the most successful team would be a college team.

Most successful football team?

Liverpool FC

Which team is the most successful soccer team ever?


What was the most successful football team in Europe?

Real madrid

What is the most successful football team in the Netherlands?

Probably Ajax

Who is the most successful team in the world?

Glasgow Rangers Football Club

Who is best team in wales?

The most successful team in Welsh football is Cardiff City FC.

Who are the most successful British soccer team ever?

Liverpool FC, the greatest team we will ever know

Who are the best football teams?

Without a doubt, Liverpool FC are the best football team in the world!! Not only are they the most successful English football team in history, but they have amazing fans who will support them forever. Manchester United are officially the worst football team ever.

Who is the most successful football team in North London UK?

west ham

What is the most liked National football team?

Croatia, they are known to be the sexiest team ever :)

Is Chelsea a rubbish football team?

no chelsea is one of the best football team in the world to most people including me they are very successful in life they are 3rd in the league right now