I think it is Diego Maradona - I saw him many times arguing and fighting. But Messi is really the opposite.
honey badger
bad akhlagh
Crocidura xantippe is a type of shrew, and its name is synonymous with bad-tempered women due to the aggressive and territorial nature of shrews, reflecting the stereotype of bad-tempered behavior in women.
Michael was generally bad-tempered when he woke up in the morning: teen boys need their sleep and Michael wasn't sleeping long enough.
It makes me very bad-tempered supplying Internet answers for kids too lazy to write simple sentences for themselves.
It is a bad tempered person
No just twats
Because her masters were mean to her
Well, you have made an assumption here that can't be demonstrated; nowhere in the Bible does it say that "bad tempered," per se, is excluded.
A lazy old teacher