I is the Italian Filippo Inzaghi with 70 goals.
It is Filippo Inzaghi , the Italian with 70 goals .
The highest goal scorer in the Champions League 2011 was Lionel Messi. He won the Golden Boot for 12 goals.
Currently, the highest goal scorer in the European League is shared by Raul and Messi. Both of them have scored 71 goals.
Raul is leading scorer in champions league
It is fillipo Inzaghi.
Currently, it is Lionel Messi for Barcelona, with 11 goals in total.
James Beattie
No Joseph Yobo is not the highest goalscorer in the E.P.L. As he is a defender.
Who was the highest Goal Scorer in 2006 World Cup
The French striker Theirry Heenry is the second highest scorer after Alan Shearer with about 208 goals.