All Black prop Neemia Tialata , at 130 kg, is the heaviest player to have donned the black jersey.
As the heaviest object are kilometer by kilometre sized icebergs all you now have to do is calculate how heavy they are.According to Stephen Hawking even black holes evaporate.
All Black prop Neemia Tialata , at 130 kg, is the heaviest player to have donned the black jersey.
the heaviest is the black hills gold
Ted Washington, who at one point was up to 400 lbs.
pepe reina
carl yastremski
According to, the heaviest player on the 2007 Dallas Cowboys roster is offensive lineman Leonard Davis who weighs 354 pounds.
crazy horse
Soccer players are usually in extremely good shape because of the physical demands of their game. As of 2014, the heaviest soccer player is unknown.
Zlatan Ibramimovic 100 kg