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Q: Who is the evil villain who is trying to capture ish in nfl rush?
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What is the best evil name?

There is no "best" evil name as it is subjective and depends on the context. Some popular evil names include Maleficent, Morgana, or Lucifer, but you can also create a unique evil name by combining different elements or languages to suit your character's backstory and persona.

What are all the multiplayer modes in Battlefield 3?

Conquest, Rush, Team Deathmatch, Squad Deathmatch, Squad Rush. Conquest is like a COD version of "Capture the Flag" and in Rush you have to defend a M-COM and try to secure M-COMS, Armored Supremacy, Conquest Domination.

What is klondicitus?

klondicitus is something that people got while trying to get to the Klondike, during the Klondike Gold Rush.

What consequence of the gold rush made California eligible statehood?

the gold rush did not allow slavery and when California was trying to become a state it would become a free state and that balanced out the numbers of free and slave states.

When trying to find love you should not be in a hurry can be a good or bad if you rush love you might get hurt?

Yes you can get hurt. So just take it at your own pace, don't go oh so very slow and don't rush into it. Make sure you watch your every move, and remember don't rush it!

How did rush get its name?

If by Rush, you mean the band, they're from Canada. To be more specific, Willowdale, a community in Toronto, Ontario. They formed in 1968 and are THE BEST BAND EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Who was the author of poor richardson almanac?

I think it is President Barack Obama trying to show he can do what he wants and use it to make fun of Rush Limbaugh.

How do you find Marine in Sonic Rush Adventure?

You can't, You end up finding her trying to fight the pirates by herself in the underground hideout. You can only get there by the submarine...

How did James Maslow become famous?

for trying out for iCarly and luckily he got the part then the producers of "B.T.R" (Big TIme Rush) Disc0overd Him And Gave Him The Part

How do you kiss a girl at first night?

I wouldn't kiss her at the first night, period. It kind of too early and this will show the girl that you are trying to rush things, which is a no-no.

When was Rush Rush created?

Rush Rush was created in 1990.

Does 'rush hour' mean peak hour?

AnswerNo. Peak hour means rush hour. We Brits got in first, there was no need to change a perfectly good phrase.It makes more sense to Americans because we've come to recognize the word "rush" with meaning "in a hurry". We call it "rush hour" because everyone's busy trying to get to work on time (in the morning) or make it home with time to eat dinner and relax (in the afternoon).