Daniel Carter
The Yankees first went to the World Series in 1921. They were defeated by the New York Giants 5 games to 3. This was the last time that the best five of nine was used to determine a winner.
The first five multiples of 150 are: 150, 300, 450, 600, 750.
It is possible that, of the world's mammals, the kangaroo may be the 2nd best jumper. The best jumper in the world is the puma, which can jump 4.6m, or five times its own height.
probably Brazil because they won the world cup five times
Australia England S. Africa Pakistan Srilanka
Iran has the best caviar in the world. Fresh from the Caspian sea.
The first World Series was played in 1903. The Boston Americans (now Red Sox) of the American League defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates of the National League in a best-of-nine series. Boston won five games to three.
The New York Yankees won their first of five consecutive world championships under manager Casey Stengel by beating the Brooklyn Dodgers in five games.
First you must define what 'best' is - in what aspects.
play properly?! (it's the first level of world five, come on!)