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Q: Who is the basketball player in the Samsung galaxy s3 tv commercial?
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Who plays the family in the Samsung Galaxy S3 Touch commercial?

Shack a basketball player and his family

What is better a iPod touch or a Samsun galaxy player?

samsung galaxy player

Where can you get a Samsung Galaxy Player?

You can get the from Amazon.

What is better ipod touch or Samsung Galaxy s?

without any doubt ,Samsung's Galaxy player..

Can you talk on the Samsung Galaxy player?

The Samsung Galaxy Player is NOT a phone. However, there are some apps that you can download that give it phone like functions. The Galaxy Players main purpose is a media player.

Is a Samsung Galaxy Player a phone?

No. It is not a phone.

Can You Jailbreak A Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0?


Does Samsung Galaxy s have flash player?

yes the samsung galaxy s phones have flash, if not then I am pretty sure you can get it from the android market

Is there FaceTime for the Samsung galaxy player?

No. The Samsung Galaxy Player is an android device. Facetime is for Apple products!

Does the Samsung Galaxy play music?

The Samsung Galaxy has a music player that can play songs, such as an MP3, transferred from your computer. Samsung Galaxy is offered by many cell phone companies and each company's version is a bit different.

Do you need itunes for a Samsung Galaxy 3.6 mp3 player?


Can the Samsung Galaxy player have the text now app?

Yes. It is compatible.