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Q: Who is the England rugby union player with the initials MC?
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Who is the England rugby union player with the initials PP?

P.L.A. Price. Possibly.

How much does an England rugby Player Earni?

It depends, what sort of Rugby do you mean? League or Union?

Who is the Rugby union player called Nick who plays for England and Harlequins?

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Ireland Rugby Union player internation debut England 1960?

Tom Kiernan

Who is Kelly Brook?

Danny Cipriani- England Rugby Union Player (not sure on surname spelling)

What is the budget of New England Rugby Football Union?

The budget of New England Rugby Football Union is 85,000 dollars.

When was England women's national rugby union team created?

England women's national rugby union team was created in 1982.

Does englands rugby team play union or league?

England has national teams for both rugby union and rugby league

Who is the current coach for the England Rugby union team?

The current coach for the England Rugby team is Bernie McDuffin. A 5 star rugby player whose career spiked in 1985. He has been coach for three years.

Name the 2 forms of rugby played in England?

Rugby union and rugby league.

What was the name of the first welsh rugby union player to leave rugby union and go to rugby league and then back to rugby union?

The first player ever to do this was welsh ledgend Jonhathon Davies.

What is the biggest rugby union?

England have the largest union registrations