Nickolas Anelka is 31 years old 1979 born.
It is Nickolas Anelka of Chelsea and France.
Here Nickolas Anelka is far better as he scores more goals ad is a lethal finisher.
It could be Nickolas Anelka, he played for 8 clubs.
There was one player Nickolas anelka of France.
This season the top scorer for Chelsea is Nickolas Anelka.
It is either Rinaldo or Nickolas Anelka , who played for 8 clubs.
It is Nickolas Anelka, with Arsenal, Bolton wanderers,Manchester City, and Chelsea.
They are David Beckham, Michael Owen, Christiano Rolando and Nickolas Anelka. They all played for Real Madrid , and Manchester united, anelka played for Arsenal.
It is Nickolas Anelka, Luis Garc ia, Dossena, Rissa , Arabelo.
Yes the entire French team went on a strike from training after Nickolas Anelka was sent home.
Gael Glichy,samir Nasri, Patrice Evra, Adu diaby ,Nickolas Anelka, Florount Malouda.