A brave caste
Raja Thakur's birth name is Thakur, Rajaram Dattatray.
Some are Jatt some are Khatri Jatt Some are Hindu
Pabla is not typically considered a Jatt last name. Jatt is a sub-group within the Sikh community mainly found in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan. Pabla is more commonly associated with the Punjabi Khatri community.
The cast of Thakur Jarnail Singh - 1966 includes: Sunder Madhumati Helen Jayant Shyam Kumar Indrani Mukherjee Sheikh Mukhtar Madan Puri Dara Singh Tun Tun
Yes Jatt and Jaat are same in Hindi language we used to say jaat and in Punjabi we used to say jatt neither they have no difference as Shahid Bhagat Singh, dara singh ji,deol family and many more belongs to sikh(jatt) but they also say themselves jaat.
They can be Jatt or Rajput depending on their background.
Yuvraj Thakur has no girlfriend i guess
Yes he was jatt
no ghotra is labanas not a jatt