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it was mary since she had the asumption into heaven and jesus brought her up from the dead and she went to heaven

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Q: Who is known as the first of the saints in heaven?
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Are there over thirteen saints in the world?

There are over 10,000 named saints and countless others known only to God. However, they are in Heaven and not on Earth.

What is All Saints Day referred to as?

All Saints Day When we honor all the saints in Heaven, especially those known only to God. In earlier days it was referred to as All Hallows' Day.

Why do you honor saints in heaven?

Yes catholics honor and believe in saints. They pray to saints, build churches in their honor. Catholics believe that saints in heaven pray on their behalf to GOD.

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Is 7 heaven real?

If you are talking about reality, then the seventh heaven is the highest heaven right under God, and reserved for His greatest saints.

Did st Andrew go to heaven?

All saints go to heaven, not all ways directly to heaven, but canonization ensures that the saint(s) are currently in heaven

What is the name given for the worship of many saints?

First off, saints are not worshiped, they are venerated or honored. Only God receives worship. The Catholic Litany of Saints is a lengthy prayer that honors many of the better known saints.

What Bible verse talks about Jesus welcoming the saints to heaven?

It is not biblical.

What kind of Christians celebrate All Saints Day?

All Saints' Day (also known as All Hallows, Solemnity of All Saints or The Feast of All Saints) is a solemnity celebrated on 2 November by the Catholic Church, and on the first Sunday after Pentecost in Eastern Catholicism, in honour of all the saints, known and unknown.All Saints' Day is the second day of Hallowmas, and begins at sunrise on the first day of November and finishes at sundown. It is the day before All Souls' Day.

Who belongs to the community of saints?

I believe you mean the Communion of Saints. It consists of all the saints in Heaven, the souls in Purgatory and all those alive on earth who are in a state of grace.

When or why did the tradition of honoring famous people's death re St Patrick and St Valentine's change to the modern version of honoring famous people by their birth date?

When it comes to saints, it has not changed. Saints are usually honored on the anniversary of their death, when that date is known. This would be the date they were 'reborn' into heaven. With the majority of ancient saints, their actual birthday is not recorded.

What are some good saints to know about?

all saints I've known are good. that's why they're saints.