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Q: Who is carmelo anthonys wife?
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Where is carmelo anthonys dad from?

puerto Rico

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What is Carmelo Anthonys mail address?

His fan mail adddres is: Carmelo Anthony c/o BDA Sports Management 822 Ashley Lane Suite A Walnut Creek, CA 94597 USA

Who is CARMELO wife?

La La Vasquez

What race is carmelo anthony's wife?

she is of puerto rican descent

What do carmelo Anthony like to eat?

This is Carmelo's wife LaLa, he loves too eat at McDonalds . His favorite food is chicken nuggets, steak, fries, pizza, etc. - Thanks

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Carmelo Rebullida has written: 'Carmelo Rebullida'

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anthonys is smoshanthony

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Who is Carmelo Anthony's dad?

carmelo irante