The question should be "how much better are the Montreal Canadiens than the Leafs" they have the been the best NHL club since conception in the early 1900's and besides the Yankees no other club has more national championships.
Montreal Canadiens because they have a kick butt goalie and a better captain then the Boston Bruins!
Montreal canadaiens
the bruins have always been better.
new york rangers.
no they are not
Montreal would win. Why cant the maple leafs drink coffee? because the Canadiens have all the cups! Get it? (stanley cups) Actually Montreal does have the most stanley cups than any other team. But Toronto has the second most. Still Montreal is better. Toronto are loosers since 1967.
Yes! Bruins r the best and the canucks eat babies! Bruins r 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 x better than canucks
yes Pittsburgh penguins are better the Montreal canadians
Yes of corce BULLSHKIIT
For one of the better ISPs in Montreal check out IVC Telecom
For one of the better ISPs in Montreal check out IVC Telecom
boston terriers....I've had both, but definetly boston terriers are more social and better with children and shedding!