dwyane wade! this question is too easy,Wade averages more in all stats and look how young he is!
Dwyane Wade
dwyane wade
wade is better
Dwayne wade
This question doesn't make any sense. Please try to cut it down into smaler terms.
Dwyane Wade's real name is Dwyane Tyrone Wade Jr.
i say Wade but that is an opiniated question
Kobe is way better besides mj truly Kobe and dwyane still have there career so do one can determine till they both retire That's not what I think. To me dwyane wade is better. And we will never stop from being the flash.
Dwayne Wade is better than Michael Beasley because Wade has better statistics than Beasley
Dwyane Wade wears number 3.
Dwyane Wade was born on January 17, 1982
Dwight is a better in game dunker!