Historically Down would be better than Armagh, but at certain times Armagh can be better than Down, so it depends on your perspective.
Down and Armagh are neighbouring counties and so share a border. On that basis the counties are zero miles from each other.
The six counties of Northern Ireland are Londonderry, Antrim, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Armagh, and Down.
County Down and Armagh, Ireland
Armagh is bordered by the counties Antrim, Down, Louth, Monaghan and Tyrone. Part of Armagh takes in part of Lough Neagh, and the northern edge of its land is on the south end of Lough Neagh.
The six COUNTY's that make up Northern Ireland are; Fermanagh, Armagh, Down, Antrim, Londonderry & Tyrone.
It is a person from the county or city of Armagh. They can be just known as an Armagh man or an Armagh woman.
Armagh is a county in Ireland and its county town is the city of Armagh.
The population of Armagh is 14,590.
Fermanagh, Antrim, Tyrone, Down, Armagh and Derry.
The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.The Primate of Ireland lives in Armagh, as he is the Archbishop of Armagh.
Lurgan is a town in the county of Armagh, which is in Northern Ireland. Armagh is also a city.