Try to stop the other team from scoring. When the Goal shooter or goal attack try to score try and knock the ball when they throw it (but don't try and knock it out of their hand while they are holding it, it's against the rules)
Netball, there is no position called a "goalkeeper." Netball is typically played with seven players on each team, and the defensive positions include goal defense (GD) and goalkeeper (GK). The goalkeeper (GK) is responsible for defending the opposing team's goal and preventing them from scoring. Goal defense (GD) also plays a defensive role but has more freedom to move around the court. These positions are crucial in the game of netball to stop the opposing team from scoring goals.
The answer is yes, netball does have a goal keeper, the goal keeper is up the other end to the end that you are shooting and they have to protect the net and not let the opposition get the ball into the net.
goal keeper A goal Keeper (GK) plays in the defencive third including the goal ring (semi circle)
It depends what you are e.g. Goal shooter, Goal keeper.
the goal keeper would mark the goal shooter
The goal keeper in netball may only goal in the goal circle for the opposite team and that goal third, They are not allowed to go into/past the centre third
gs - goal shooter gk - goal keeper
the goal shooter, goal attact, goal keeper, goal diffence, center
The goal keeper in netball protects the net and stops the opposition from getting the ball into the net.
GS goal shooterGA goal attackWA wing attackC centreWD wing defenseGD goal defenseGK goal keeper
in football, none. in netball, Sodnei Milla in basketball, Austin Clinton...
Goal Shoot (GS) Goal Attack (GA) Goal Defence (GD) Goal Keeper (GK)