dwanye wade
Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, and Dwanye Wade are just a few.
Kobe is better because he is more fastter, more powerfull and can shot better and wade he is just sorry.
kobe is way better
Kobe is way better besides mj truly Kobe and dwyane still have there career so do one can determine till they both retire That's not what I think. To me dwyane wade is better. And we will never stop from being the flash.
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Dwanye Wade
Yes dwyane wade is actually better game wise. Kobe may be better in shooting but never count d wade out on a hot day in Miami he can turn Kobe to ashes even on the defensive end wade is better in blocks. Dunks there is an obvious advantage for wade heres my list top 3 . 1. D wade 2. Kobe 3. Lebron
easily Dwayne wade
Kevin durant is better than Dwayne wade and Kobe Bryant
The co-MVPs were Tim Duncan and Shaquille O'Neal.
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