Tim Hasselbeck is 6' 1".
Tim Hasselbeck's birth name is Timothy Thomas Hasselbeck.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck is married to former NFL quarterback, Tim Hasselbeck.
Tim Hasselbeck was born on April 6, 1978.
Tim Hasselbeck was born on April 6, 1978.
Tim Hasselbeck
Tim Hasselbeck is not on an NFL roster so far in the 2008 season. He was on the Arizona Cardinals roster in 2007.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck lives in Greenwich, Connecticut with her husband, Tim Hasselbeck. She is a Catholic and a member of the Republican Party.
Matt is the older brother of Tim. Tim is married to Elisabeth Hasselbeck. They are both professional football quarterbacks after they each played at Boston College. Matt is married to Sarah Egnaczyk.
Tim Hasselbeck who plays for the Arizona Cardinals
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the television host, weighs 110 pounds. She was born in Cranston, Rhode Island on May 28, 1977. She married her husband, Tim Hasselbeck, in 2002.
Former NFL QB Tim Hasselbeck is 39 years old (birthdate: April 6, 1978).He is the younger brother of Matt Hasselbeck.