A Basket Ball Player for the nuggets he graduated from Marquette university
A Basket Ball Player for the nuggets he graduated from Marquette university
Jackson Odell's birth name is Jackson Reid Odell.
Odell Haggins's birth name is Odell Haggins Jr..
Deborah Odell's birth name is Deborah Lee Odell.
The address of the Odell Public Library District is: 301 East Richard Street, Odell, 60460 0347
Odell Brown's birth name is Odell Elliot Brown Jr..
Odell Haggins is 6' 2".
William Odell died in 1917.
Jack Odell was born in 1920.
Jackson Odell is 6' 1".
William Odell was born in 1881.
Dianne Odell died in 2008.