

Who is KAKA?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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13y ago

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kaka is a very liquidy compnent that comes out of your rectum and in the toilet...where thats where it should be going;)

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12y ago
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13y ago

He is Brazilian soccer player.

He also plays in AC Milan in Italy.

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12y ago

The other meaning is brother in kurdish and the 1 that evryone knows is poo

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Kaka's eat flowers and fruits

What has the author Kaka Hathrasi written?

Kaka Hathrasi has written: 'Kaka ki mehphil' 'Kaka shatak'

Can you do kaka?

u can do kaka by going to the bathromm abd squeezing your but to kaka and then smell it

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kaka kaka

What is kaka's riligion?

kaka is christian

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bung kaka

Is kaka better than messi?

Kaka would win because Kaka is faster than messi in every world cup.

What is kaka's full name?

Ricardo Kaka

Who is better kaka or robinho?

of course kaka.

Kaka is a musilm or not?

No, Kaka is a devout Christian.