Gheorghe Muresan was born on February 14, 1971.
Gheorghe Muresan was born on February 14, 1971.
Gheorghe Muresan is 40 years old (birthdate: February 14, 1971).
Gheorghe Muresan and Vladimir Radmanovic
gheorghe muresan
Gheorghe played four seasons with the Bullets (1993-94 through 1996-97).
He is 7' 7" tall (7 feet, 7 inches, or 231.1 cm)
Gheorghe Muresan
Gheorghe Muresan has: Played himself in "HBO First Look" in 1992. Played Max Zamphirescu in "My Giant" in 1998. Played Ventriloquist (segment "My Name Is") in "Eminem: E" in 2000. Played Himself - as George Muresan in "Giants: Friend or Foe" in 2003. Played Paul of the Shed in "Serial Buddies" in 2010. Played Paul of the Shed in "Adventures of Serial Buddies" in 2011.
Gheorghe Muresan was Romanian born actor who was an NBA center for the Bullets.
If you're judging it by how powerful they are, it is either Hugh Jackman or Angelina Jolie. If it's by height, it is Gheorghe Muresan at 7' 7".
Gheorghe Muresan, formerly of the Washington Bullets, and Vladimir Radmanovic, formerly of the Seattle SuperSonics, immediately sprang to mind.