Is Gene Pitneys wife still living?
The address of the Archives is: Po Box 114, Monahans, TX 79756-0114
The address of the Ward County Library is: 409 S Dwight St, Monahans, 79756 4609
Irish catholic
The address of the Rattlesnake Bomber Base Museum is: 400 S. Allen, Suite 300, Monahans, TX 79756
The Merry Monahans - 1944 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:S (1948) Sweden:Btl (1948) USA:Approved USA:Passed (National Board of Review)
A Coffee shop in California
It could be Monahans or Montgomery.
The Merry Monahans - 1944 was released on: USA: 15 September 1944 Sweden: 26 February 1945 Finland: 2 July 1948
Gene Wilder's first wife was Mary Mercier. They were married from 1960 to 1965.
Elizabeth Joan Zieg