Anne Shearer is the mother of the English footballer, Alan Shearer.
Alan shearers son is 12years old
His Mothers name is Anne And his Father's Name Is Alan as well as him
Alan Shearer was a striker.
I think it was blackburn rovers.
maybey like black or purple or gold we just dont no
to tell the truth Alan shearer only missed 5 or 6 penalties in his career
Queensland Shearers Union was created in 1887.
Normally Shearers
The main cause of the Great Shearers' Strike in Australia was the poor conditions under which shearers had to work and live. During the 19th century in Australia, shearers endured meagre wages and poor working conditions. This led to the formation of the Australian Shearers' Union which, by 1890, had tens of thousands of members. Early in 1891, Manager Charles Fairbain of Logan Downs Station near Clermont in central Queensland, demanded shearers sign the Pastoralists Association contract of free labour before they started work. This was an attempt to reduce the influence of the union. On 5 January 1891 the shearers refused to work unless the station agreed to their union's terms. This was the beginning of many months of union shearers around Australia downing their tools and striking. Tensions increased as striking shearers formed armed camps outside of towns, while mounted troopers (police on horseback) protected the non-union labour and arrested strike leaders. Shearers retaliated by burning woolsheds and crops, and committing other acts of sabotage and harassment. By May of 1891, the violent suppression of the strike action forced shearers to give in.
October 5th